Become a Positive Partner


Training to promote the Positive Company® certification

La communauté Positive Company® fédère un écosystème d’entreprises, associations et ONG travaillant quotidiennement ensemble pour trouver des solutions et s’inspirer les uns les autres. 

En partenariat avec Des Enjeux & des Hommes, nous vous proposons une formation d'une journée afin de devenir incollable sur le programme de labellisation Positive Company®.
Rejoignez-nous et faites grandir le mouvement !

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Des Enjeux et des Hommes, partenaire officiel de Positive Company®
  • Identify common key concepts of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and their importance
  • Explain the basic elements of the Positive Company® certification and its ecosystem
  • Analyze the certification's framework and evaluation criteria
  • Effectively use software tools
  • Introduce survey forms for CSR data collection
  • Carry out an evaluation of the Positive Company® certification
  • Interact with a Positive Company to gain practical insights

1 – Presentation of the certification and its ecosystem

  • Shared understanding and vision of CSR
  • Shared understanding of CSR concepts
  • Background and introduction to the CSR certification
  • Detailed analysis of the certification's frame of reference

2- Software tools and stakeholder survey forms

  • Discover data collection tools and survey forms
  • Application of the certification concepts through practical case studies

3 – Testimonies and discussions with a Positive Company 


When ?

Duration : 2 half-days (7h00)
Tuesday, June the 4th 2024

Jeudi 10 octobre 2024

Tuesday the 5th and the 12th December 2024, mornings

Where ?

04th June 2024 – Paris

15th October 2024 – Paris

5th-12th December – remotely

For whom ?

anyone wishing to learn more about the Positive Company® certification program.

Find more about the training

Discover the website Des Enjeux & Des Hommes.

The Positive Partners




Professional instructor & CSR Mentor. Founder of Osmya Conseil.


Contact : 

The companies partners

Des enjeux et des Hommes, partenaire officiel de Positive Company®
Osmya, partenaire officiel de Positive Company®
Ozakt, partenaire officiel de Positive Company®



CSR and sustainable innovation project manager.

We support companies in the Hauts de France region in the design and implementation of their CSR approach, integrating co-construction, awareness-raising and collective integration.

Sectors: industry/services/textile/retail


Contact :

CRENN Mathilde

CRENN Mathilde

Founder of MC transition, CSR consulting company.

Carrying out CSR audits and carbon footprints, assisting with the implementation of a CSR strategy and a certification process.

Secteur : tourism / industry / food

 Penmarch, Bretagne

Contact :

FLATT Laurence

FLATT Laurence

Consultant & trainer - MOVE 4WARD CONSULTING - Helping companies and organizations to improve performance through CSR - Diagnosis - Strategy - Action plan - Valorization


Contact :

NAVE Mélissa

NAVE Mélissa

CSR & Sustainable Development training & consulting.

Helping companies obtain CSR labels/assessments.

Sectors : food/hostels/tourism/events


Contact :

MERTENS Christian

MERTENS Christian

Sustainable development & CSR consultant.

Specialties: energy (savings, measurements...), process mapping and improvement, regulations and monitoring, waste...

Sector: SMEs/SPEs/Sports associations/Schools

 Rhone, Nord Isère, Beaujolais, le Diois (drôme Provencale)

Contact :